Bed of Roses

Gail Armstrong's Bed of Roses is unveiled on Primrose Hill.

Gail Armstrong is one of 10 UK artist involved in the campaign to End Bed Blocking, we previously looked at the campaign and the lead up to the event HERE.

For 6 weeks, all across the UK, ten artists have been leading the Campaign to End ‘Bed Blocking’. Last Monday Gail's Bed of Roses was taken up to Primrose Hill where the beautiful craftsmanship and attention to detail evoked a really positive response from passers-by. On board to document the event was a photographer from Reuters and a journalist who interviewed Gail about her involvement in the campaign and her inspiration and thoughts behind the Bed.

To read more about Gail's inspiration behind the bed click HERE and HERE

Even better, get yourselves down to Candid Arts in Islington on Friday 12th October, between 9am and 5pm for a chance to see all ten installations in the flesh, an invitation for free tickets and further details are available HERE



paper sculpture
gail armstrong
end bed blocking

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