Ep 190: Smakk Studios founder Katie Klencheski on creating brand sustainability & values

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 190: Smakk Studios founder Katie Klencheski on creating brand sustainability & values
In a capitalist society, knowing how to do the right thing is tough. Katie Klencheski showed signs from an early age - through her drawing and ideas - that she cared about something bigger than herself. Via a winding road, she founded what became Smakk Studios - a New York-based agency supporting brands that want to make a positive impact. We get into the confusing world of ethics from a consumer, creative, and business standpoint, discussing work in packaging, branding, design, and more, and the nature of conversations had around sustainability with clients. How much room is there for us as individuals and agencies to ethically challenge our clients? Get our thoughts and feedback over @bentallon or @bentallonpod on social media, or hello@bentallon.com via email. The show is supported by the founding sponsor, Illustration X. See their global range of illustrators and animators at www.illustrationx.com https://smakkstudios.com/ https://www.instagram.com/smakk_studios/ https://bentallon.com https://bentallonwriter.com Music for the show by: https://www.instagram.com/dirtyfreud/
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