
Nigel Sussman

Nigel Sussman's Photo - International isometric & mural illustrator. California

难怪奈杰尔既为谷歌Google和红牛等极具创新精神的品牌创作,又为《大众机械》和《Time Out》等传统印刷项目工作。在音乐家父亲的陪伴下,随着奈杰尔的成长,他的创造力得到了充分鼓励。除了对绘画充满激情外,他还喜欢弹低音吉他(并为他的乐队专辑封面创作插画)、观赏《龙与地下城》,和妻子一起散步。散步的目的地通常是餐厅,那里供应美味的食物……不过没有恐龙服务生。 奈杰尔的作品里有各种各样的活动,他受到包括马丁•汉福德(《威利在哪里?》的创作者)、MC埃舍尔和电脑游戏SimCity的影响。在加利福尼亚州伯克利的家中,他和妻子和一只名叫菲德尔•卡斯特罗的猫住在一起。 奈杰尔在匹兹堡的卡内基梅隆大学完成两年学业后,穿越美国来到加州艺术学院完成了他的插画学位。 如今,奈杰尔使用Wacom Cintiq进行绘画,但他在传统颜料方面也有很好的基础。他过去喜欢用钢笔、墨水和丙烯酸涂料工作。 奈杰尔的签名风格使用等距线艺术和简单但亮眼的色调,大胆、明快而复杂。他热爱创作寻觅式绘画,以及以复杂的幻想建筑和/或虚拟机器为特色的插画。

Client list

Nigel has a stellar client list including Bosch, PayPal, Redbull, New Scientist, Google, Popular Mechanics, VMWare, Time Out, ARUP and more.
The Colonial Barrier
Nigel Sussman produces an illustration for Atlas Obscura on the 1,100-Mile Hedge through the middle of India.
The Colonial Barrier
The Escher Economy
Nigel Sussman's inspired illustration appears on the front cover of American Consequences.
The Escher Economy
Nigel Sussman's SCRAPBOOK
Nigel Sussman talks of his creativity and inspirations in our latest Scrapbook interview.
Nigel Sussman's SCRAPBOOK
Waldo's Special Ale
Nigel Sussman works for Lagunitas Brewing Company to create an intriguing and detailed poster for their special ale.
Waldo's Special Ale
Maker Roadmap
Nigel Sussman illustrates the process from drawing board to distribution for MAKER.IO
Maker Roadmap
Amazing Machines
Nigel Sussman creates his own super-detailed machine crazy colouring book.
Amazing Machines
New Talent Profile - Nigel Sussman
Bold, bright and complex, Nigel Sussman's signature style uses isometric line art and a striking but simple colour palette.
New Talent Profile - Nigel Sussman
Portland Bridges
Say Media commission Nigel Sussman to paint a 15x9ft mural on the wall of their offices in Portland, Oregon.
Portland Bridges