Ep 219: Zombie Professor Athena Aktipis on joy in vulnerability, zombie teams & surviving wild times

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 219: Zombie Professor Athena Aktipis on joy in vulnerability, zombie teams & surviving wild times
Arizona State University professor in psychology Athena Atkipis joins me as her new book 'A Field Guide to the Apocalypse' hits the bookshelves. Athena's smart and fun zombie apocalypse approach to encouraging and supporting us in facing our fears during wild times carves out her beautiful niche in the field of psychology. We discuss why we've always felt like we're on the brink as a species, and, whether the worst happens, or a pipe simply bursts and floods your house, preparing for greater resilience in wild times can be fun, exciting, and a great route to happiness and optimal creativity. It's also publication day for 'The Creative Condition' book tomorrow, April 11th! As ever the show is supported by founding sponsor Illustration X: illustrationx.com and the Ukrainian Institute. You can help a wonderful organisation by supporting the Ukrainian creative community as they struggle to keep making during the horrific war: ui.org.ua/ https://www.athenaaktipis.org/ Athena's book: https://shorturl.at/tIOQX The Creative Condition book is available to pre-order now at: https://www.bentallonwriter.com/shop/p/the-creative-condition-understanding-and-embracing-human-creativity-signed-paperback-pre-order-april-11th-release https://bentallon.com
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