The book Three Lionesses has a dynamic cover

The Lioness Spirit

An inspirational book for young people on the experiences and motivations of three Lionesses has a dynamic cover by Cat Sims.

The book has a special focus on friendship, teamwork and succeeding as women in a male-dominated world, and follows Lionesses Ella Toone, Georgia Stanway and Nikita Parris, who were part of the England Women’s UEFA Women’s Championship 2022 winning football team.

Aimed at young readers of 9 and above, the book encourages resilience, trust, and self-belief, with a contemporary cover featuring portraits of the team members in sporting action.

The publisher’s synopsis said: "Written for readers 9+, Three Lionesses takes some of the many lessons that the players have learned from football, and shows how these apply to everyday life, whether it’s joining a new squad, stepping up to take a penalty or getting back up when life (or a footballer) knocks you down.

Released this August, you can order a copy here.

book cover
cat sims
line and colour
young readers

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